There is no shortage of hardworking Americans that put their lives on the line for a livable wage. Globally, America was recently featured in several national articles (CNBC, Business Insider, Fortune) as the nation with the second fewest paid vacation hours. When you couple dangerous careers with a lack of proper rest and relaxation, it…

While on the job injuries and fatalities are on a downward swing post-pandemic, it is easy to assume that this number will be back on the rise as people return to working full time away from home. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are 2.8 million+ non fatal workplace injuries each year…

Non fatal on-the-job injuries cause physical, emotional, and financial pain to over two and a half million Americans a year [Source: https://www.bls.gov/news.release/pdf/osh.pdf] While many people understand that if they have been involved in an on the job injury, they are entitled to compensation, but they typically don’t know where to start. Fear of retaliation by…

The first question asked after any car accident, other than “are you okay?” is typically about fault. Who is to blame for the accident? And of course, who (or whose insurance) will pay for the damages? And how does this apply to self-driving cars and are they affecting liability? While the issue of fault will…

There are few things in the world as stressful as having an injury that sidelines you from work, family, and fun. Besides the pain itself, the inability to create income piles on an additional layer of difficulty. Employees are often afraid of retaliation from employers and frequently do not report injuries that end up worsening…

A power of attorney (POA) can be an important element of planning for your elderly parent’s future. It allows another person to take action on your parent’s behalf, ensuring bills get paid and medical decisions can be made in the unfortunate circumstance that your elderly parent is unable to do those things on their own…

When you see advertising for personal injury attorneys, you often see the “face” of the firm owner, who is typically an attorney with years of name recognition, practice, and experience. What you don’t see is that when you pick up the phone and call their firm, the likelihood of that person touching your case is…

On the job injuries happen just about every day in the United States. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (bls.gov) reported nearly 1.2 million non fatal and nearly 5,000 fatal accidents for 2020. While these numbers are part of a larger trend toward safe practices and are generally moving in the right direction, a worker…

While it is true that motorcyclists are overrepresented in roadway fatalities, it’s hardly fair to place all of the blame on them. According to the United States Department of Transportation (NHTSA), per vehicle miles travelled in 2020, “motorcyclists [during this time frame] were about 28 times more likely than passenger vehicle occupants to die in…

In a world where vehicle travel is still the most economical way to move around, we all have to share our highways and interstates. With a broad mix of mopeds, motorcycles, small passenger cars, pickup trucks, vans, flatbed trailers, refrigerated trucks, 18-wheelers, and even the occasional hazardous cargo or wide load, the roads can be…
Expertise.com works to make it easy to find the best local expert. They feature objectively quantified and qualified professionals hand-picked by a selection process. After analyzing Stephen C. Gaubert’s professionalism and expertise, he was once again named as one of the Best Probate Lawyers in Lafayette, Louisiana in 2022. The Law Office of Stephen Gaubert is…

Part of the unintended blowback observed in the aftermath of a global pandemic is the realization that everyone, no matter how much or little you have, needs to set aside legal directives in case of their sudden death. Most people simply don’t like to think about mortality, and that is understandable. Sometimes it takes something…

For the first time since Covid, there is hopeful research that the needle may finally be moving on a troubling statistic. The truth is, many Americans refuse to have a will or estate plan in place. Caring.com, a popular website dedicated to providing information and resources to those caring for aging relatives has been conducting…

As employees and business owners alike begin sorting out the long-term economical effects of COVID-19, one undeniable truth that has emerged is that everyone is feeling the pressure to adapt. We are all seeing the gradual switch from the pandemic phase to an endemic foreseeable future where we will continue living with the coronavirus in…

If death and taxes are truly the only things you can’t avoid, then it should make good sense to assume that everyone has a will or estate plan in place. Unfortunately, this couldn’t be further from the truth. A recent (2021) Gallup Poll found that 54% of Americans have no formal will in place to…

When it comes down to the wire, there are only two types of people in this world. Those who have experienced the loss of a loved one who died with no will in place, and those who haven’t. People in the former group, given the opportunity, would gladly share stories with the latter group and…

The U.S. has the highest car insurance in the world as a nation, and Louisiana has the highest car insurance rates in the U.S., according to a recent article by insure.com, an aggregator of insurance news. This puts us at ground zero for premiums, which increase a little each year for most carriers. While drinking…

The Four Most Common Reasons for Car Accidents For many Americans, diving is such an enmeshed part of our daily routines that it is easy to find yourself on “autopilot,” finding yourself at your destination but forgetting small details about your trip to work or home. Since we spend, according to The New York Post,…

If social media is any indication, Louisiana is infamously mocked, memed, and made fun of for our above average number of personal injury attorney ads, specifically billboards. These so-called “billboard” attorneys spend hundreds of thousands of dollars a year on advertising their legal services for victims of accidents. Why is Louisiana so uniquely saturated in…

While estate planning saw a slight increase due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the fact remains that most Americans simply do not have a legally binding will or testament. According to CNBC, 62% of Americans have not put their intentions to paper with the help of an estate planning attorney. The most common reason given by…

Even though death is the only inevitable thing about life, it seems, human beings still have a pretty hard time wrapping their minds around it. It’s part of our basic biology to not fixate on our eventual deaths constantly, but it doesn’t mean we don’t think about it. To boot, many social scientists agree that…

Even though end of life issues will affect every single one of us at some point, almost a third of Americans have no will outlining their wishes. While speaking candidly with a friend who works for a large hospital system here in Lafayette, he said that at a benefits meeting about his company life insurance,…

Have you ever wondered why Louisiana residents pay as much as double on their car insurance premiums than other states? Compounded with obvious factors such as poor roads, flooding, and severe weather, there are some factors that may surprise you. For example, according to a recent article in nola.com, a typical Louisiana driver with a…

No one wants to pay more than necessary for a proper estate plan, including a will, power of attorney, living will, trust, etc. There is a recent trend where websites offer to create a will for as little as $69.00. Although a price that low is enticing, sadly many know the horrors that come from…

Did you know that no matter the age or mileage on your vehicle, safety recalls are always free repairs from the dealership? I recently discovered that I had a faulty airbag in my vehicle. Do yourself a favor and plug in your VIN into the link below and see if your car has any safety…

Have you been injured on the job and are now considering calling an attorney who specializes in Workers’ Compensation? Many people have a hard time finding an attorney with the level of experience necessary to successfully get representation for a Louisiana Workers’ Compensation Claim. One common mistake that people make is to respond to advertisements…

Being in a car accident is scary! This list of what to do and not do after you have been in a car wreck will help you demand results. Move Your Vehicle – After impact, new laws may require that you move your vehicle, but only do so if you are without pain and apparent injury….
Setting up wills should be at the top of New Year resolutions lists, however this very important document is often an afterthought for many. January is typically when we turn our backs on the past year and focus on our goals for the next. While some New Year resolutions may seem trivial, estate planning goals…

Certain politicians want the cost of going to court to be more expensive than the claim itself. That is why these politicians want new laws to force even small claims to be tried by a jury. They know that the high cost of jury trials will deter persons from seeking justice. Why? They SAY that…

Everyone loves a good scare on Halloween, but not when it comes to the safety of those little trick-or-treaters. Fortunately, there are lots of easy things parents and kids can do to stay safe on the spookiest of holidays. Top Tips for Halloween Safety A parent or responsible adult should always accompany young children on…

It important to label your children’s items so daycare providers, teacher’s, coaches, camp counselors, and other caregivers can locate your child’s backpack, water bottle, shoes and all the other items that get sent to them day-to-day. However, labeling these items may make your child a target of a predator. Adults who prey on children are…

If you get injured on the job, you may be faced with the tough decision of accepting workers’ compensation benefits over a settlement or lump sum. No matter where you are in the claims process, it’s important to speak with a qualified workers’ compensation attorney to help evaluate and negotiate your claim settlement. The length…

Choosing not to hire or consult with a reputable legal professional regarding your car accident case may be the fastest way to a small settlement. Just because there were no major injuries or fatalities does not mean that the settlement process will be simple. If you choose to forgo legal representation at the start of…

Workers’ compensation is an insurance program employers are required to have that provides financial assistance to employees who sustain work-related injuries. If you qualify for workers’ compensation benefits, you will receive pay for work you have not been able to perform, as well as for any medical bills incurred during this time; however, you typically…

It is important that your new drivers have as much practice as possible under the supervision of an experienced driver. You can start with short trips near your home, plan on which driving skills to focus the most on, be vocal and give advanced warning and be encouraging. Avoid yelling or talking down to your…

The longer you wait to start speaking with people, the harder it will be for them to recall exactly what happened. Peoples’ memories become unclear and can even disappear over time. Oftentimes, witnesses will be hard to find. This is especially true for car accidents. If you are in a car accident, make sure that…

Your employer cannot fire you for making a workers’ compensation claim; however, they may fire you while you have a pending claim as long as they can show that there were reasons for firing you that were unrelated to your workers’ compensation claim. Most employees in Louisiana are considered to be at-will employees, meaning you…

In any accident, you should: check that everyone is okay, call 911, exchange contact and insurance information with any other drivers involved and take pictures of the scene. When driving a rental car, call the company as soon as possible, inform them of the accident and ask them how to proceed. Contact your insurance company,…

If you are a passenger in an accident, you can file a third-party claim with the insurer of the driver at fault. If you were a passenger in a collision while in a car that you own, you can file a claim with the insurance of the driver at fault; however, if that driver does…

You are protected against discrimination and harassment through the entire employment process, from hiring to firing. OSHA demands that employers in every state keep their workplaces safe and free of known hazards. Employers are required to pay their employees the highest applicable minimum wage, whether it is set by federal, state or local law. There…

It is important to remember that the job of an insurance adjuster is to investigate the validity and value of your claim, while closing settlements quickly and with the lowest possible cost. Before speaking or meeting with the adjuster, review your policy and note what is covered under it and what is excluded. Collect as…

Although your past crime is completely unrelated to your personal injury claim, most people will view a criminal record negatively. Typically, the less serious the crime, and the longer the time that has passed, the less impact it will have on your personal injury case. The best thing to do is to tell the truth…