I am sure you have received countless messages from other organizations and businesses about changes in day-to-day operations in light of the governor and federal government’s response to the spread of COVID-19. We, like you, are in uncharted territory right now as we rearrange schedules and take this crisis day by day. The safety of our clients and our staff is our top priority.
Pursuant to Governor Edwards’ statewide stay at home order, effective immediately, we have made the difficult decision to close our office indefinitely. We will continue full operations, but our law firm staff will be working remotely with individual staff members coming to the office only as needed. We will be available for phone conferences and even video conferencing. If you have any questions about this process, please give us a call or send us an email. Our office number will remain the same (337) 354-3000 or you can email me and/or my paralegal, Crystal Bergeron, at sgaubert@gaubertlaw.com and crystal@gaubertlaw.com respectively.
I understand the stress this is putting on all of us and I want to insure you that we are here for you just as we’ve always been. If you have any questions or need a response immediately, do not hesitate to call or email us. We will get through this together, and we hope that each of you and your families remain safe and healthy.