There is no shortage of hardworking Americans that put their lives on the line for a livable wage. Globally, America was recently featured in several national articles (CNBC, Business Insider, Fortune) as the nation with the second fewest paid vacation hours. When you couple dangerous careers with a lack of proper rest and relaxation, it…

While on the job injuries and fatalities are on a downward swing post-pandemic, it is easy to assume that this number will be back on the rise as people return to working full time away from home. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are 2.8 million+ non fatal workplace injuries each year…

Non fatal on-the-job injuries cause physical, emotional, and financial pain to over two and a half million Americans a year [Source: https://www.bls.gov/news.release/pdf/osh.pdf] While many people understand that if they have been involved in an on the job injury, they are entitled to compensation, but they typically don’t know where to start. Fear of retaliation by…

The first question asked after any car accident, other than “are you okay?” is typically about fault. Who is to blame for the accident? And of course, who (or whose insurance) will pay for the damages? And how does this apply to self-driving cars and are they affecting liability? While the issue of fault will…

There are few things in the world as stressful as having an injury that sidelines you from work, family, and fun. Besides the pain itself, the inability to create income piles on an additional layer of difficulty. Employees are often afraid of retaliation from employers and frequently do not report injuries that end up worsening…

A power of attorney (POA) can be an important element of planning for your elderly parent’s future. It allows another person to take action on your parent’s behalf, ensuring bills get paid and medical decisions can be made in the unfortunate circumstance that your elderly parent is unable to do those things on their own…

When you see advertising for personal injury attorneys, you often see the “face” of the firm owner, who is typically an attorney with years of name recognition, practice, and experience. What you don’t see is that when you pick up the phone and call their firm, the likelihood of that person touching your case is…

On the job injuries happen just about every day in the United States. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (bls.gov) reported nearly 1.2 million non fatal and nearly 5,000 fatal accidents for 2020. While these numbers are part of a larger trend toward safe practices and are generally moving in the right direction, a worker…

While it is true that motorcyclists are overrepresented in roadway fatalities, it’s hardly fair to place all of the blame on them. According to the United States Department of Transportation (NHTSA), per vehicle miles travelled in 2020, “motorcyclists [during this time frame] were about 28 times more likely than passenger vehicle occupants to die in…

In a world where vehicle travel is still the most economical way to move around, we all have to share our highways and interstates. With a broad mix of mopeds, motorcycles, small passenger cars, pickup trucks, vans, flatbed trailers, refrigerated trucks, 18-wheelers, and even the occasional hazardous cargo or wide load, the roads can be…