Vocational rehabilitation services are included in workers’ compensation claims in order to help injured workers return to gainful employment as soon as possible. Some injuries prevent employees from returning to their previous position. In these cases, vocational rehabilitation services will help to acclimate the injured party for a new position that can be performed within…

When a car accident is imminent, it’s a natural reaction to attempt to brake as hard as you can while you brace for the impact, leading to foot, toe and ankle injuries. In a car accident, concussions are most commonly caused by the driver hitting their head against the steering wheel or window, but any…

A hit-and-run is any type of accident where the driver has intentionally left the scene without providing information to the other party. When you are involved in a hit-and-run accident, don’t ever try to catch the other driver yourself. Instead, call the police as soon as possible and file an accident report. Do your best…

If a claim has been accepted, that means the employer’s insurance company has agreed that the illness or injury is covered by a workers’ compensation claim. If an injury prevents you from performing your previous duties, but a doctor says that you can still perform other work, your employer may choose to offer you alternative…

Rear-end accidents are the most common type of automobile collision that happens when one vehicle stops suddenly in front of another or when one vehicle follows another too closely. Low-speed collisions are better known as the classic “fender bender” and can happen in residential neighborhoods, parking lots or garages, school zones or other areas with…

Making certain mistakes after a car accident – even unintentionally – may cause you to lose money on your insurance claim. Call the police after an accident – no matter how small – to have them create a report of the incident. This report will act as the voice of authority during your case by giving the…

According to the Washington Post, nearly 18,000 people have been killed on U.S. roadways between January and June. This is an increase of more than 10% from 2015’s statistics. Many people don’t think about this connection, but as the recession begins to fade and more people return to work, there are more people on the…

Choosing the right workers’ compensation attorney is an important decision as the workers’ compensation claims process can be very complex and involve many stages which can cause some firms to cut corners with their clients’ legal representation. At The Law Office of Stephen C. Gaubert, we want to share our legal knowledge and expertise, as…