Have you been injured on the job and are now considering calling an attorney who specializes in Workers’ Compensation? Many people have a hard time finding an attorney with the level of experience necessary to successfully get representation for a Louisiana Workers’ Compensation Claim.
One common mistake that people make is to respond to advertisements or call the first name in the phone book, or on social media. These ads can be misleading because you cannot tell anything about the effectiveness of an attorney from sprawling Facebook ads, expensive commercial production, or even how fancy a website looks. Workers’ compensation claims are different from all other personal injury claims and have their own set of rules, laws and even courthouses. For workers’ compensation claims, experience is key. An attorney is your advocate and can answer your questions, explain your rights, put some of your fears to rest, and help you decide if you would benefit from having representation. You should begin your search by looking for a lawyer who has years of experience representing injured workers. Read their bios and search for articles or blogs that they have written to determine whether they have real world experience that you need in the practice area of workers’ compensation law. You should also ask the following questions:
• Is the lawyer you are speaking with going to handle your case personally, or are they passing it on to another associate or even another firm?
• Does workers’ compensation comprise a large portion of that attorney’s practice?
• How many successful workers’ compensation claims has this attorney and his/her firm worked?
• Is this attorney well respected in the field of workers’ compensation law?
• Does the attorney understand your situation, or will they have to spend time researching your particular scenario?
• Does this attorney ask you questions about your particular case and how it applies to the law in an understandable way?
• How is the lawyer going to plan out and execute your case?
• Is the lawyer you are speaking with making you feel confidant that they are capable of solving your legal problem in a prompt manner?
Rest assured that having legal representation from the onset of your workers’ compensation case will undoubtedly keep your claim moving in the right direction and help you avoid the infinite traps the insurance carrier will set for you. The Law Office of Stephen C. Gaubert will strive to earn your respect and to produce the answers and the action you need on the legal issues affecting your life and those of your loved ones. We want you to think of our firm as YOUR law firm. Please know that we are here for you whenever the need arises. When considering who to hire to represent you in your workers’ compensation claim, the answer is clear… The Law Office of Stephen C. Gaubert… Demand Results.