There is no shortage of hardworking Americans that put their lives on the line for a livable wage. Globally, America was recently featured in several national articles (CNBC, Business Insider, Fortune) as the nation with the second fewest paid vacation hours. When you couple dangerous careers with a lack of proper rest and relaxation, it…

While on the job injuries and fatalities are on a downward swing post-pandemic, it is easy to assume that this number will be back on the rise as people return to working full time away from home. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are 2.8 million+ non fatal workplace injuries each year…

Non fatal on-the-job injuries cause physical, emotional, and financial pain to over two and a half million Americans a year [Source: https://www.bls.gov/news.release/pdf/osh.pdf] While many people understand that if they have been involved in an on the job injury, they are entitled to compensation, but they typically don’t know where to start. Fear of retaliation by…

There is no shortage of hardworking Americans that put their lives on the line for a livable wage. Globally, America was recently featured in several national articles (CNBC, Business Insider, Fortune) as the nation with the second fewest paid vacation hours. When you couple dangerous careers with a lack of proper rest and relaxation, it…

While on the job injuries and fatalities are on a downward swing post-pandemic, it is easy to assume that this number will be back on the rise as people return to working full time away from home. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are 2.8 million+ non fatal workplace injuries each year…

Non fatal on-the-job injuries cause physical, emotional, and financial pain to over two and a half million Americans a year [Source: https://www.bls.gov/news.release/pdf/osh.pdf] While many people understand that if they have been involved in an on the job injury, they are entitled to compensation, but they typically don’t know where to start. Fear of retaliation by…

There is no shortage of hardworking Americans that put their lives on the line for a livable wage. Globally, America was recently featured in several national articles (CNBC, Business Insider, Fortune) as the nation with the second fewest paid vacation hours. When you couple dangerous careers with a lack of proper rest and relaxation, it…

While on the job injuries and fatalities are on a downward swing post-pandemic, it is easy to assume that this number will be back on the rise as people return to working full time away from home. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are 2.8 million+ non fatal workplace injuries each year…

Non fatal on-the-job injuries cause physical, emotional, and financial pain to over two and a half million Americans a year [Source: https://www.bls.gov/news.release/pdf/osh.pdf] While many people understand that if they have been involved in an on the job injury, they are entitled to compensation, but they typically don’t know where to start. Fear of retaliation by…
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